Mimi - puta in Johor Bahru Photo 1 of 3Mimi - puta in Johor Bahru Photo 2 of 3Mimi - puta in Johor Bahru Photo 3 of 3

Name 姓名: Mimi
Country 国家: Vietnam 越南
Age 年龄: 19 Years old 岁
Height 身高: 162cm
Weight 体重: 45kg
Bust Size 胸围: ( D ) Cup 罩杯
Language 语言: Chinese 中文 | Vietnamese 越南语
Provided 提供: Incall 门店 | Outcall 上门

This is a Vietnam girl who just got into the sea. Vietnam girls are famous for having a lot of water down there. The boss has come to the right place. He will come to us when he gets into the water. He is just afraid that you won't come, but he is not afraid that you will be dissatisfied.
刚下海越南妹, 越南小姐姐出名下面水多, 老板来对地方了, 下水就要找我们, 只怕你不来, 不怕你不满意。

Incalls por hora de
RM350 (US$ 74)
Salidas por hora de
RM400 (US$ 84)
Johor Bahru

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