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Hi, I am Kamila From Ukraine, an elite independent escort providing outcall and Incall escort, private erotic session and massage services for gentlemen. If you are a gentleman looking for something a little different and really special for your trip, then here I am. I am a perfect companion whether you plan to go out, or stay in and have fun in your private room. I am very discreet, sensual and warm, down-to-earth and very easy to get along with. I am a fun loving person, who loves a glass of red wine and fine dining or just cuddling while enjoying the time with you. I have an easy lifestyle, enjoy healthy food, love animals, modeling and photography. I offer a very ultimate and sensual full GFE experience. I love to take my time and enjoy myself while I am getting to know someone. I am a very playful and open-minded companion who will ensure your experience is as enjoyable as possible. I am not one of those clock-watching escort girls who takes your money and runs. I am 23 years of age, I know how to treat gentlemen right as well as know how to dress and carry myself right when I am in public with gentlemen. If you are searching for a truly reliable and professional escort then your search is over… I can assure you that your time with me will be a memorable exotic experience. For all gentlemen and first timers, please do not hesitate to contact me. KissesKamila)))) Whatsapp me or call me at P.S...I can also Duo with my friend Amina for more pleasurable time muaahhh

Por hora desde
1,500 AED (US$ 408)
Inglés (Bueno)
Abu Dhabi
  • Valoración: 5 / 5por (4 otras críticas)

    Just visited her hotel. She is a real goddess. Definitely worth the visit. Will go once she is back in town

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