User: Artisticsoulblues

Latest reviews by Artisticsoulblues

  • Aarvi - escort in Mumbai
    Rating: 5 / 5

    Damn! She is the most beautiful creation of God I have ever seen in my life! Touch Wood for you ! You are an Incomparable beauty, undoubtedly not only by looks, but also by heart ! Its a privilege to meet you !

    Well, The most unbelievable and spectacular day of of my life which can never ever be forgotten, was the day I met you. I believe this review and the permitted word count here will not suffice to share my experience with you. Pages can be penned down to describe every single second spent with you and I mean it.
    I am still not able to convince myself, that whether it was a dream ?or a reality to spent time you. Meeting you was a dream coming true for me and i don't think there can be any any "UPGRADE" over you.
    You are already at a top notch.
    I don't know, how to thank and appreciate you, for being the way you're. Remembrance of that night still leaves me the goosebumps, any leaves me nostalgic at any point of time.
    You are so damn humble. When I saw your profile, I was not sure how it's gonna go, and also was a bit nervous . But trust me, From first second till the last one, nothing can ever be wiped out. Regarding what happened between us physically, i would like to keep it discreet as that's a token of respect for her! You have earned something more than allowances, and that's respect for you. Meeting you have left me motivated in many aspects. It's a Game changer for my self improvisation.You already have the reviews for things on bed, but if I say, every moment we spent is precious for me, so won't ruin it by elaborating it here. As every review on you can be overridden by mine. So Let that be with me. Whatever time I have spent with you was not only magical, trust me, no one can ever beat your Sweetest Nature and conduct. I'll only say, you are a End Point for all other searches. There is no search beyond you ! And Regarding allowances, some things can't be counted upon or even measured, and the feel, comfort & moment with you give is priceless.
    Blessed to meet you!