We met in Ajman, she's a genuine human being and very passionate in bed. Great GF experience and a…
I met her a while ago. She is really beautiful and romantic, and provides great services. I hope to…
I contacted Khimmy in Delhi, she was very responsive and cute.
I visited her in the hotel she…
Met her after a long time.
As usual a total of gfe. Started with lots of dfk and running hands…
What I feel is slim, beautiful, active, hard cock
Good service and im satisfied
Met kristine yesterday, she is super hot and best ts on MR, her blowjob was will take you to…
Overall, was more of a try-out for me. First time trying out BDSM, service was toned down to cater…
Hi Ella,
Are you in Pune? Do you serve guys well?
hi your so sexy
can you hit my g spot with your…
yes surr
hi are you more top or more bottom?
Both good top good bottom cock 7 inch
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